2016 Certificate 4 Training and Assessment, Canberra Institute of Technology
2009 – 2015 PhD, Interrogations of the Self: research into the nexus between Buddhism, contemporary art and textile practice School of Art, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Australian National University
1999 – 2003 Bachelor of Applied Arts, Honours class 1, College of Fine Arts, University of New South Wales
Selected Exhibitions
2016 Looking for the i in desire, Craft ACT
2014 Interrogations of the Self, School of Art Gallery (SOA), Australian National University (ANU), ACT
2010 Endlessly Circle, Foyer Gallery, SOA, ANU
2002 Deconstructing i, Chrissie Cotter Gallery, Marrickville, NSW
2017 Cut-out, collaboration with Naomi Zouwer, Belconnen Arts Centre, ACT
2016 Blake Prize, director’s cut, Casula Powerhouse, NSW
2014 Fremantle Print Prize, Fremantle Arts Centre, WA
2010-13 Sensorial Loop, 1st Tamworth Textile Triennial
2010 Nets, Foyer Gallery, SOA, ANU
2010 NETS Virtual exhibition with ANU, University of Cumbria (UK), Novia University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
2007 Lightweight, Otago University, NZ & ANU
2004-7 a matter of time, 16th Tamworth Fibre Textile Biennial
2004 Junklove, Addison Rd Gallery, NSW, Major prize winner
2002 Glimpse, l’Ecole Duper, Paris, France
2002 Junklove, Casula Powerhouse/ Addison Rd Gallery, NSW 2D 1st prize winner
2002 Visions of Alternate Worlds, College of Fine Arts Exhibition and Performance Space, University of New South Wales
Awards, Grants and Residencies
2018 artsACT project funding
2016 artsACT project funding
2015 NAVA Australian Artists Grant
2014 New Work Grant (mid-career), Australia Council for the Arts
2014 Artists-in- Schools residency program, artsACT and Australia Council for the Arts
2000 Textile Network of New South Wales Award
Scholarships and Academic Awards
2010 Graduate Materials Award, SOA, ANU
2009 Vice Chancellor’s Travel Grant, ANU
2009 Neil Hobbs and Karina Harris Materials Award, SOA, ANU
2008 Vice Chancellor’s Travel Grant, ANU
2008 College of Arts and Social Sciences Travel Grant, ANU
2007 Australian Postgraduate Award
Current Educator National Portrait Gallery of Australia.
Design and deliver interpretation/ education programs to a wide range of audiences in formal, informal and virtual learning environments from pre-school, primary and tertiary institution groups, health and access groups, adult audiences and special interest groups. Design and deliver interpretive and public access programs in response to the National Portrait Gallery collection and temporary exhibitions. High level of knowledge of Australian portraiture and visual art, including aspects relating to Australian identity, politics and history, in order to deliver above mentioned education and public programs.
2018 Exhibitions Projects Co-ordinatorNational Portrait Gallery of Australia.
3-month acting project management position, co-ordinating collection and temporary exhibitions program.
2015 Artist/ Project Manager‘Healthy Lunchbox’ freelance project funded by Health Promotion Innovation Fund (ACT Health Directorate)
Proposed, developed, delivered and evaluated ‘Healthy Lunchbox’, an art engagement, education and activity program to engage Lyneham pre-school children and their families in fresh food health promotion.
Healthy Lunchbox aimed to increase fresh food and decrease packaged food in Lyneham pre-school lunchboxes while promoting artistic awareness amongst students. Evaluations demonstrated a 9% increase in fresh food and 9% decrease in processed food in participating children’s lunchboxes. The success of the project led ACT Health to seek options for replicating it in ACT schools.
2014 Artist/ Project Manager Artists-in-Schools freelance project funded by Australia Council and artsACT
Introduced the Lyneham Primary School community including students, teachers, parents, carers and visitors, to contemporary installation art practice through a variety of activities. Activities included delivering an orientation presentation targeted at each group, teaching a weaving project using recycled plastic bottles to each year, facilitating a school wide art installation with professional photography of the process and creating an installation work using recycled fabrics in a foyer stairwell space.Project included formal and informal access points for students to engage and experiment with contemporary art installation practice. Success of my model of delivery led artsACT to consider it for future artists-in-schools residencies in ACT high schools.
2006-7 Program Manager Open Art ACT Belconnen Community Services
Managed innovative mental health promotion program for consumers with mental health related illness. Program cultivates social connectedness amongst mental health service consumers through community art classes, exhibition and performance events. Role involved managing artists employed as tutors, event management, consultation with stakeholders re: program direction, education and employment pathways for consumers, financial management and reporting.
2002-6 Therapist The Langton Centre South Eastern Sydney & Illawarra Health Service NSW
Provided individual counselling, therapeutic and educational groups for clients with complex mental health illness & substance use problems. Clients included people from aboriginal, CALD, LGBTI backgrounds, those enmeshed within the criminal justice system including violent offenders and those who have experienced complex trauma and acquired brain injury. Provided intake and assessment services including crisis intervention. Collaborated with multidisciplinary health service providers to design, deliver and evaluate innovative health services. Contributed to qualitative and quantitative research projects. Maintained client files and database.
1996-2002 Health Education Officer The High St Youth Health Service Sydney West Area Health Service NSW
Provided drug and alcohol counselling, therapeutic and education groups and referral services to young people who were homeless or at risk of homelessness. Clients included those from indigenous, CALD, LGTBI backgrounds, young offenders, with range of disability and who had experienced trauma such as domestic violence, emotional, physical and sexual abuse. Provided in-house and external staff training, health promotion programs and information and networking services for youth health sector. Administrative duties required for updating client files, creating, delivering and evaluating group work, education and health promotion programs.
Teaching Experience
2018 Belconnen Arts Centre
Installing Collageexperimental textiles and installation for evening community class and Ignite daytime disability group. Developed and delivered both courses.
2017 ANU College
Art and Design Histories: Meaning and Makingundergraduate theory course shadowing School of Art, ANU course of the same name.
Canberra Institute of Technology
Textiles Identification and experimentation with fibres, fabrics and textiles. Developed and delivered full and part-time Certificate 3 courses.
Textiles 2 Identifying fabric performance and handling for industry. Developed and delivered full-time Certificate 3 course.
Colourisation Colour and its application for textiles (dyeing). Developed and delivered full-time elective course.
2016 Canberra Institute of Technology
Textiles Identification and experimentation with fibres, fabrics and textiles. Delivered full and part-time Certificate 3 courses.
Fabric Manipulation Experimental approaches to developing and altering fibres and fabrics. Developed and delivered full-time elective course.
Design Contexts Introduction to history and theory of design and copyright issues. Delivered full-time Certificate 3 course.
Art Theory 1 Researching history and theory to inform arts practice. Developed and delivered full-time Certificate 3 and Certificate 4 courses.
Art Theory 2 Researching history and theory to inform arts practice. Developed and delivered full-time Certificate 3 and Certificate 4 courses.
Visual Arts self-directed project Realising and presenting a body of creative work. Delivered classes for Diploma course.
2015 Canberra Institute of Technology
Visual Arts Painting Experimentation with techniques to produce paintings. Delivered classes for Diploma course.
Design Contexts Introduction to history and theory of design and copyright issues. Delivered full-time Certificate 3 course.
Art Theory 1 Researching history and theory to inform arts practice. Delivered full-time Certificate 4 course.
Art Theory 2 Researching history and theory to inform arts practice. Delivered full-time Certificate 4 course.
Mixed Media Developing a body of mixed media works. Developed and delivered elective Certificate 4 course.
Printmaking Developing printmaking techniques and portfolio. Developed and delivered elective Diploma course.
2010 School of Art, ANU
Nets exhibition project Developed and delivered course in conceptual development for undergraduate textiles practice. Facilitated student exhibition ‘Nets’
Canberra Institute of Technology
Photography theoryWrote and delivered three introductory lectures about Photography and Surrealism, Impressionism & Bauhaus for Diploma course.
Textiles for Visual Art Experimental textiles. Developed and delivered Diploma course.
The Vitality of Multiplicity in ‘Marcia Langton’in Portrait, Magazine of Australian and International Portraiture, Phillips (ed) forthcoming (Summer 2019)
Using Multiple Temporalities: time as an artistic medium, in With(Out) Trace: Interdisciplinary Investigations into Time,Space and the Body.Dwyer, Franks and Green (eds) (2016)
Alphabet,Craft ACT (2012) 2ndJuly
Pinnacle: Evaluation of the Graduate Teacher Training Programme at the ANU, in Australian Universities Review. With Aditi Barthwal, Diane Chenoweth, Cathy Day, Elizabeth Kirk, Simon Kitson, Taweetham Limpanuparb, Penelope Marshall & John Shellard(2011) vol.53, no.1, p14-21
The Global Dimension of Cloth, Craft Australia (2010) 13thJuly
Villawood, Offering, Read in ContextGraduate Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies (2010) 7 : 1, 7-1
Lectures and Conference Papers
2015 Time as an Artistic Medium, 5thGlobal Time, Space and the Body Conference, Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom
2013 Working with Reflexivity: Outcomes from an investigation of Textile Practice, Contemporary Art and Buddhism, School of Art Graduate Conference, Australian National University
2012 Nexus between Textile Practice, Buddhism and Contemporary Art,Nan Tien Buddhist Studies Institute, Wollongong, NSW
2011 Aesthetics of Time: Duration in Practices from Indo-Tibetan Buddhism and the Contemporary Performance Art of Tehching Hseih,International Association of Buddhist Studies bi-annual conference, Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist College, Taiwan
2010 Tradition and Transformation,Conventions of Multiplicity in Early Surrealism and Indo-Tibetan Art“Tradition and Transformation”, Annual Art Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference, University of Adelaide
2010 Concepts and Practices of Disruption and Interrogation in Contemporary Art and Tibetan Buddhism, Interdisciplinary Symposium, School of Cultural Enquiry, The Australian National University
2010 Buddhism and Art: Visual and Conceptual Echoes in Works by Three Artists, “Buddhism in Motion: Perspectives on the Cultural History of a Major World Philosophy”. University of Alabama, U.S.A.
2009 Disruption and Interrogation in Contemporary Art and Tibetan Buddhism, Australasian Association of Buddhist Studies, University of Sydney
Training and other research activities
2019 Visual Thinking Strategies, Advanced Practicum, National Portrait Gallery of Australia with Kabir Singh (VTS)
2019 Developing Audio Description for Vision Impaired Viewers, Access2Art SA
2019 Visual Thinking Strategies, Coaching 1, Seattle Art Museum, USA with Kim Aziz and Mirka Jablonski (VTS)
2018 Visual Thinking Strategies, Practicum 1, National Portrait Gallery of Australia
2018 Art and Dementia, Dementia Australia and Adrienne Boag, National Gallery of Australia
2018 National Capital Authority Presentation Skills
2016 Travelled to New York to study visual devices in traditional Tibetan ‘pechas’ (texts) in collections held by the American Museum of Natural History, Rubin Museum, Newark Museum and Brooklyn Museum
2010 Pinnacle Teaching Program, Centre for Higher Education, Learning and Teaching (CHELT), Australian National University. Aims in assisting research scholars to make the transition to being an academic in charge of a course. Research scholars produce course guides and are assed on their lecturing and other forms of course delivery.
2009 Fieldwork textile research. Himalayan textiles in Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY, Textile Museum of Canada and Tibetan imagery at Rubin Museum, NY.
2008 6-month fieldwork research investigating Indian textile traditions, Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, Tibetan language and contemporary art. Nepal, India, London, New York, San Francisco
Reviews/ Media
Sally Blake Looking for the I in desire (2016) Craft ACT
Kerry – Anne Cousins Emerging Contemporaries exhibition brings young artists to the fore (2016) Canberra Times